Submitted by Melita Quesada
The Baystate Scrollahs (read with a New England accent), a scroll saw woodworking club that meets at Woodcraft in Walpole, Ma. has raised $300 for a local food pantry.
This is the second year of the club’s existence and the second year the club has raised money for the food pantry.
Members of the club, which is free to join and open to all scroll saw woodworkers, who come from many of the surrounding towns, donated their time and materials to make holiday ornaments that decorated the tree at the local Woodcraft of Walpole. Store patrons could buy the ornaments knowing that all the proceeds would go toward the food pantry! Some patrons made special requests for personalized ornaments (time permitting) which was fun to do!
The tree ended up looking great. That way, the store tree gets decorated, scrollers get to show their neat woodworking hobby, and the Food Pantry get some needed donations. It’s a win for all!
This proves that woodworking and specifically scrolling is alive and well in the techno age!
For more information on the club, check them out on Facebook.
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