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Tiny Workshops Gallery


by the Staff of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts

We featured space-saving hacks from a tiny workshop in our spring issue. Stephen Watson, UK woodworker and YouTuber, shared how he utilizes every inch of his 8′ x 6′ workshop. And it got us thinking; Are there more tiny workshops out there? The answer is yes.

Tiny shops, much like the tiny house, are a growing trend. A quick internet search will reveal there’s dozens out there. Woodworkers are using their resources (however limited they may be) and ingenuity to make sawdust—despite individual circumstances and spacial constraints.

Below is a gallery of woodworkers and their tiny workshops from all over, proving that magical things can come in small packages.

“My workshop is a 16′ x 16′ storage shed I constructed in 2015.

As a full-time woodworker and woodturner, I strive to make a living from the things I make. I also create maker-style videos, blogposts, and such. My small shop has helped me learn new skills, teach and inspire others, and share my personality and creations,” said Sam Craft of North Carolina.

For more about Sam, visit sam-craft.com.


“I think we are going to continue to see an increase in tiny shops because frankly, not everyone has access to vast spaces in which to work. Giant shops are expensive and unattainable to many, so it’s exciting to see folks making awesome stuff in spaces that seem more accessible.

A small, well-organized space can feel cozy and inviting. Knowing where everything is gives me the confidence to dive right into creating,” said Anne Briggs of Tennessee.

For more about Anne, visit anneofalltrades.com.



“In a small shop, organization is key. When the place is clean and all of my tools are on the wall, it feels like I’m working inside a toolbox—everything is within reach,” said Emiel Noorlander of the Netherlands.

To see more from Emiel, visit YouTube/channel/ThePracticalEngineer.




“After spending the day at my desk job, my shop is where I go to unwind and get lost in a project.

I take as much pride in the efficiency and functionality of my small 1-car garage shop as I do in a finished piece of furniture,” said Jared Geddes of Washington.

To see more from Jared, visit  YouTube/channel/TheEveningWoodworker.



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